
THE #1 social app to get and offer gestational diabetes support

Manage gestational diabetes with a smile 😊
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Join HIgedi: where support comes first

HIgedi isn't a gestational diabetes tracker; it's a community where support comes first. Connect with others navigating the same journey, seek advice, join discussions, and share your triumphs and setbacks. From inspiring stories to practical tips, find the encouragement you need to thrive. With HIgedi, you're never alone. Explore topic-specific posts, connect with women in your area, and discover helpful gestational diabetes-related products.

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Everything from low-carb snacks and high-protein drinks to blood glucose meters and gestational diabetes-related books. We are committed to building a marketplace based on users' recommendations, ensuring everyone can benefit from tried and tested products.


Every gestational diabetes journey should be filled with support, care and friendship 🤰🫶👋

HIgedi is specially designed for women with one thing in common – gestational diabetes experience. Whether you’re recently diagnosed, sort of an ‘expert’ with multiple gestational diabetes experiences or a healthcare professional eager to share your knowledge – HIgedi welcomes you all. Come in, say HI and support each other through this season of life.

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    Connect, share, thrive

    "HI, I'm Julija, the founder of HIgedi. It's a pleasure to meet you. The idea behind HIgedi was born from my personal journey with gestational diabetes, a diagnosis that blindsided me. Despite being very thin and having no history of diabetes in my family, I never expected to face this diagnosis. I'm not a healthcare professional and have no medical qualifications, but I've been there. I'm a mom with lived experience of gestational diabetes."

    Founder & CEO

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    HIgedi guides

    Quick Guides for Managing Gestational Diabetes

    Smart picks for fast food chains, foods to consider and avoid, practical tips, and more!


    Offer your guidance, share your knowledge and simply support others in need.
    We're stronger together.