1. Cheese Crisps: Bake or air fry shredded cheese into crispy chips.

  2. Pepperoni Chips: Bake or air fry pepperoni slices until crispy. Pair with a low-sugar marinara dip.

  3. Cottage Cheese with Cheese Chips: A creamy and crunchy combo.

  4. Veggie Sticks with Dip: Enjoy celery, cucumber, or bell pepper sticks with guacamole, ranch, or cream cheese.

  5. Pork Rinds: Crunchy, satisfying, and zero carbs. Look for lower-sodium options.

  6. Spiced Nuts: Season almonds, pecans, or walnuts with paprika, garlic powder, or a touch of cinnamon.

  7. Popcorn: Sprinkle with salt or nutritional yeast for flavor.

  8. Baby Goldfish Crackers: Great portion control—89 pieces equal 20g of carbs!

  9. Crunchy Chickpeas: Roast chickpeas with olive oil and spices for a fiber-rich snack.